Step 1: Out of School Suspensions
- 1-10 days of Out of School Suspension (OSS) for most disciplinary incidents. Notice and a right to be heard must be provided to the student before the suspension is initiated, absent exigent circumstances.
Possible Outcomes
- No Further Disciplinary Action Referral – Student returns to school after 1-10 days of OSS.
- Further Disciplinary Action Referral – Student serves 10 days OSS and is referred to the Student Management and Alternative Programs Department (SMAPD) for consideration of Further Disciplinary Action (FDA).
Step 2: Consideration of Further Disciplinary Action
- Further Disciplinary Action (FDA) is a referral to the Student Management and Alternative Programs Department (SMAPD) for consideration of long-term suspension, reassignment, or expulsion. Notice of a 10-day suspension and a referral must be provided.
- For any student who is suspected of having a disability, under evaluation, or who has a Section 504 plan, or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) must be conducted during the first 10 days of the suspension and before the SMAPD hearing.
Hearing Information
- A must be scheduled to be held no later than day 11 of the suspension.
- Notification from SMAPD of the hearing date and time will be sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s).
- Receipt of the packet from SMAPD 48 hours before the hearing, along with a Zoom link if the hearing will be held virtually, will be sent to parent(s)/guardian(s).
- The student, parent(s)/guardian(s), and the school meet with a hearing officer to conduct a disciplinary hearing.
Educational Process
- The student completes work through Canvas or at site indicated until SMAPD hearing and decision are made.
- If the student is receiving special education services, the IEP team must convene to propose education services during the removal.
Possible Outcomes*
- End of Suspension – The student returns to student to their base school or program attended prior to the FDA referral.
- Reassignment
- Long-Term Suspension (LTS) for 11-45 Days – The hearing officer decides the term of suspension and assigns the student to a nontraditional education program.
- Long-Term Suspension (LTS) for 46-365 Days – Upon a finding of aggravated circumstances, the hearing officer may impose longer suspension. The hearing officer decides the term of suspension and assigns the student to a nontraditional education program.
- Expulsion (365 Days) – The School Board expels the student and assigns the student to a nontraditional education program. If the student receives special education services, the School Board will allow the IEP team to determine placement that is offered outside the grounds of any PWCS school.
* Note: If the student receives special education services and the hearing officer sets restrictions on the student's access to PWCS grounds, the IEP team will then determine a placement consistent with those restrictions.