Exclusions from School

PWCS is authorized to deny admission to its schools to students who have been placed in a nontraditional educational program or expelled or suspended from attendance at school by another school division or private school, or for whom admission has been withdrawn from any school the student was previously enrolled following a SMAPD admission hearing. This process is set forth in Regulation 745-5, “Readmissions and Exclusions/Admissions.”

Students and parents have the right to appeal the SMAPD decision to the School Board within four business days of the date of the SMAPD decision letter. The School Board shall meet in closed session to conduct a review of the documentation considered in the SMAPD admission hearing and the parent’s letter of appeal. The student and parent(s) shall be notified in writing of the School Board’s decision. The School Board may require an excluded student to attend a nontraditional education program provided by the School Board for the term of any exclusion from a base school.