

The Virginia Constitution confers upon a local school board the authority to supervise the operation of the public schools under the school board’s control. This authority includes the power to supervise and discipline students.

The Prince William County School Board seeks to protect the right of all its students to an education commensurate with their abilities, interests, values, and goals by providing safeguards for the health, safety, and rights of the individual student and school employee, and for the protection of school property.

However, the task of training and educating youth must be shared by all members of the school community—students, professional teaching staff, administrators, specialized instructional support personnel, and parent(s)—who all bear the responsibility to equitably support the rules of the school and the integrity of the educational process.

It is the duty of the parent to prepare the child to assume responsibility in the school environment, this includes responsibility for learning and exhibiting conduct that does not infringe upon the safety and rights of another. The school has the right to expect reasonable and self-disciplined behavior from each student. Since self-discipline cannot be imposed from without, the students must be permitted a degree of freedom of choice and action to develop their individual talents and abilities.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-78 states: “A school board may adopt bylaws and regulations including but not limited to the proper discipline of students, including their conduct going to and returning from school.” The School Board’s rules governing student conduct are summarized in the “Code of Behavior” (COB) and are also addressed in the School Board’s policies and Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) regulations.

Students may be disciplined for violations of the provisions of this COB, PWCS policies and regulations governing student conduct, and for behavior that is incompatible with a K-12 environment. Such as:

  • During regular school attendance and whenever present on school property or virtually. At-school activities on property owned by the School Board, including School Age Child Care (SACC).
  • When going to and from school and bus stops.
  • On school buses and at bus stops.
  • In cases involving off-site, school-sponsored activities such as field trips, sporting events, and club activities.
  • When conduct by a student occurring off school grounds or school property has a material effect on the operation or general welfare of the school division; impacts the integrity of the educational process; threatens the safety and welfare of students, staff, or school property; occurs when the student is under the school’s authority or otherwise invades the rights of students or staff.

For good cause, the Superintendent may approve a deviation from the procedures outlined in the COB in its present form, so long as the basic rights of students, parent(s), the community at large, and/or school personnel are not violated. Good cause means protecting all students' health, safety, welfare, and educational opportunities in the school system.

Note: “Parent(s),” as used throughout, means biological parent(s), adoptive parent(s), or legal guardian(s). For purposes of this publication, references to “School Board” should be understood to indicate the Prince William County School Board.

PWCS Vision 2025 Launching Thriving Futures Strategic Plan

PWCS envisions every student graduating on time with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to create a thriving future for themselves and their community. Toward this end, our mission includes a commitment to inclusive practices and equity with an expectation of excellence from every student and every employee each day. Additionally, we are committed to highlighting our core values within our division and school communities. As we aspire to ensure all students experience a positive climate and culture within their respective school communities, we will focus on our students’ resiliency, well-being, equity, and inclusivity.

Through the divisionwide use of Restorative Practices, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and developing Educator Cultural Competency aligned with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) standards, PWCS will provide a learning environment that fosters connectedness, promotes a sense of belonging, and encourages social and emotional wellness for all students.

In case of conflict between this document and PWCS policies and regulations, state or federal law, the latter shall control. The COB may be updated throughout the school year to reflect changes in state or federal law, related School Board policies and regulations, or names of responsible offices. The version of the COB published on the PWCS website is the official version.