Reporting Suspected Discrimination or Harassment

Students who believe that they have been discriminated against or harassed are encouraged to report the matter to the school principal or the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Compliance Department at 571-374-6839. The initial report may be verbal, in writing, or through the use of this QR Code.

Discrimination and Harassment Reporting QR Code

Report discrimination or harassment online.

Preventing Discrimination and Harassment

School officials will act to stop and prevent discrimination and harassment. Students can help stop and prevent discrimination and harassment by:

  • Speaking up and letting the students engaging in the misconduct know that their behavior is hurtful and that they should stop.
  • Asking for help from a parent, teacher, counselor, school administrator, or other trusted adult.
  • Reporting the misconduct to a school administrator, a trusted adult at school, or the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Compliance Department.

Relevant PWCS Policies and Regulations

  • Policy 738, “Nondiscrimination and Harassment of Students”
  • Regulation 738-1, “Resolution of Allegations Against Students of Sexual Misconduct”
  • Regulation 738-2, “Title IX – Equal Access to Education Programs and Activities”
  • Regulation 738-3, “Resolution of Allegations Against Students of Discrimination or Harassment”
  • Regulation 738-4, “Nondiscrimination Against Students on the Basis of Disability”
  • Regulation 738-5, “Treatment of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students”