School Bus Rules


All rules set forth for student behavior in PWCS’ policies, regulations, and this COB, apply to student behavior on the school bus and at the bus stop or any other approved PWCS vehicle used to transport students to and from school and/or school-associated events and activities.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-176 permits school boards to provide transportation for pupils but does not require them to do so. PWCS daily bus service will be provided for all in boundary students living more than one mile from the school. Students eligible for transportation may be required to walk up to one mile to reach their regular bus stop. Transportation is not provided for students living within a school’s established walking boundary.

Express bus service will be provided for students enrolled in all Specialty Programs. This service is to and from express bus stops only. It is the parent's responsibility to provide transportation to/from express bus stops, which can be two to three miles from the student’s residence in many cases.

Wireless communication devices may be used on school buses provided that the device does not distract the driver, compromise safety, or violate the COB and school bus rules and regulations.

Meeting the Bus

State law requires that buses operate on the same routes, as per their schedules, on a daily basis. Parent(s) or their designees are requested to accompany their young child(ren) to and from the bus stop. Families are encouraged to sign up for Here Comes the Bus. This is a helpful tool for tracking school buses.

Students should:

  • Ride their assigned bus.
  • Arrive at their bus stop at least 5-10 minutes before the regular pickup time.
  • Stand away from the road. Do not stand on the travel portion of the roadway while waiting for a bus.
  • Maintain proper conduct.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Wait until the bus has stopped, then walk to the front door.
  • Do not run alongside a moving bus.
  • Board the bus in an orderly fashion.

Students riding the bus should:

  • Obey instructions of bus driver and bus attendants.
  • Be seated immediately.
  • Remain seated, facing forward.
  • Share seats equally.
  • Be courteous.
  • Respect property.
  • Keep all body parts inside the bus.
  • Keep aisles clear.
  • Maintain good conduct.

The following infractions are not permitted:

  • Igniting fire
  • Fighting
  • Smoking
  • Using profanity
  • Horseplay
  • Eating/drinking
  • Spitting
  • Using obscene gestures
  • Vandalizing
  • Throwing objects from the bus
  • Creating loud noises
  • Having glass objects
  • Transporting large objects
  • Videotaping, recording, or photography, resulting in harm to others, and disruption or distraction of the driver
  • Tampering with equipment
  • Having weapons
  • Using, possessing, or distributing drugs or other substances and related paraphernalia
  • Littering
  • Making threats
  • Endangering others
  • Other violations of the COB

Leaving the Bus

Students must:

  • Remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop.
  • Leave the bus in an orderly manner; students in the front seats exit first.
  • Leave the bus stop area when safety permits as soon as discharged from the bus.
  • Not linger around the bus.
  • Cross the street, if necessary, to do so, at the front of the bus and at a distance of at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
  • Not cross until the driver has signaled that it is safe to do so. Crossing four or more traffic lanes or a divided roadway is prohibited.
  • If a disciplinary problem occurs in the afternoon and the problem is such that in the judgment of the driver it is unsafe to proceed, the driver may return to the school to seek immediate disciplinary action and/or assistance. Bus drivers must report any infractions to the school principal/designee.

Changing Buses

Students must submit a written request from the parent to go to another stop other than their regularly scheduled stop on their regularly scheduled bus or to ride an alternate bus. This written request is subject to the approval of the school principal or designee before entering the bus. Bus drivers must receive notification from the school office when approval is given to a student to change to an alternate stop or bus.

No change will be made in the location of bus stops or bus routing without approval by the Transportation Department. No change in the bus assigned may be made without the permission of the school principal and the Transportation Department.


Only authorized persons are permitted aboard a school bus (school property). “It shall be unlawful for any person, whether or not a student, to enter upon or remain upon any school property after having been directed to vacate the property by a person authorized to give such direction” (Code of Virginia § 18.2-128).

Riding the School Bus is a Privilege*

Should a student be reported to the principal, the principal will be responsible for disciplinary action, which may include the loss of the privilege of bus transportation, until the parent, the bus driver, the principal, and in some instances, a Transportation Department representative can arrive at an understanding that will correct the problem. The parent will be responsible for the transportation of students who have lost school bus transportation privileges.

If you have questions, please refer to Regulation 431-4, “Transportation for Students/Safety on School Buses.”

Oral or written threats to harm others or PWCS property, which are planned or made on a school bus, or which are intended to be carried out on a school bus, at a school bus stop, or while going to and coming from school, may result in the loss of transportation for a specific period of time or the remainder of the school year in addition to other disciplinary action.

A school bus video observation system records activities aboard some buses.

Please feel free to contact the school principal or the Transportation Department for help with problems related to the transportation of your child.

*Riding the school bus is a privilege, except as required by law for students with disabilities.